What really determines if the process of moving on is completed? How do you know when you've officially moved on from something or someone? There are plenty of facts to support that once you've experienced something, or someone, parts of that experience are carried with you. Can something or someone ever really be let go of?
The reality is that things exist until they don't. Everything and nothing. Strangers become lovers, who can also return to strangers. There are beginnings and endings. Nothing in this world is eternal. So does that mean that moving on officially occurs when you have found the next something?
Source: https://photogrist.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Nicolas-Bruno.jpg
It's an interesting concept to think that once a person has updated their relationship status, or they've ended one relationship and begun another, that they have "moved on". Does replacing something with another "new-thing" really mean that there isn't a residual connection to that initial something? While replacement may provide the appearance of forward movement; remaining in the same cycle, and repeating the same scenario in an effort to replace what once was, isn't truly moving on. In fact, it's actually insanity.
Moving on isn't a relationship status.
Replacing one person with another doesn't actually mean that you've accepted the past. It's superficially filling a void. Moving on requires growth. It requires reflection and acceptance. It requires being fearless enough to try something new. Moving on isn't about replacing what existed in the past, but recognizing what you need to carry with you into the present and future. Moving on is accepting the end of something and changing behaviors that no longer serve you.
There's also no timeline or indicator for when the process ShouldBe completed or how long moving on should take. Despite the way it often feels, life has no rules. You are truly the decision maker and you can really only trust how you feel. You will know. It may take may take longer than you want, but it will always take as long as you need it to. As long as you are feeling, you are still living. It's when you stop feeling that you need to worry.
I only say this because I have lived it, and I am not special. Don't be afraid to sever ties that no longer support your growth and forward movement. Everyday is an opportunity to experience something new. You don't have to stay in a cycle. Escape the insanity. Find positivity and peace. As always, this is much easier said than done.
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